Home Forums Technical Discussions Centrifugal pump calculation

  • Emil

    22 December, 2020 at 19:10

    Sadly, no.

    I cannot help with this.

    Good luck!

  • Etis N Wood

    20 February, 2021 at 11:37

    Hi Marika,

    There are some information missing to determine the power requirement for your pump. You will need to know the static lift = elevation from the pond water surface to the tank water surface and you will need to know the pipe/hose friction loss. In addition you will need to know the efficiency of the pump. If you get that information the calculation is pretty straight forward Pm = Head (m) x Flow (m3/s) x density (kg/m3) x g (9,81) – you can read more in the Pumpbook https://pumpfocus.com/pumpbook/centrifugal-pump-losses-and-efficiency/

    Hope this help!

    3.1.2 Centrifugal pump losses and efficiency

    • Mats

      20 February, 2021 at 17:36

      Right Etis, well explained! But don’t forget to take pump efficiency into account – as you mentioned in your answer but forgot in the equation- when calculating motor power. 🙂